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Bound By Flame патч 1 Торрент

Bound By Flame патч 1 Торрентскачать dle 10.3фильмы бесплатно

Название игры: Bound By Flame
Версия патча: Update 1 (v 2194)
Требуемая версия игры: Любая
Таблэтка: Присутствует (FTS/3DM/CODEX/STEAM006)

1. Содержимое папки Update копировать в директорию установленной игры, с заменой
2. Содержимое папки Crack-FTS/Crack-3DM/Crack-CODEX или Crack-STEAM006 на выбор копировать в директорию установленной игры, с заменой
3. Играть

Список изменений
- Fixed an issue where Randval was indicated on the map but not there in the steppes.
- Fixed an issue where the Prince Arendil wouldn't speak to the player back in the camp after the cut-scene with the lich king : If you're confronted to the bug, you just have to load your last save and try again.
- Fixed an issue where the player can be stuck in the chapter one if he tries to interact with the assistant of Mirana or the Forge of Renko after killing the tormentor.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash after some manipulations in the crafting screen.
- Fixed an issue where the skin of the demon woman could have a problem with its texture.
- Fixed an issue where the player can make some quest in the high Caraldthas even if he didn't come back to the camp after the lich king.
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